Sex and the Raised Eyebrow The Importance of Sex Education

Why do we blush whenever the issue of sex is mentioned? I think it's because by its nature it's a very personal part of us. It's that intimate part of ourselves. Of course, not everyone thinks this way. I was viewing a page on Instagram yesterday, and someone in the comment section of a very popular page said --and I quote- "Abeg e sex na like handshake". This statement cheapens the sexual act and reduces it to nothing but a handshake, and robs it of all its glory. Talking about sex makes some people very uneasy. It's a subject matter that some have come to avoid totally and shy away from. It ought not to be. Our sexuality is part of our makeup, and just like the other aspects of our makeup, it ought to be expressed in a natural and healthy way. Bestiality, rape, and pedophilia are some very unnatural expressions of sexuality. We have to pay attention to our sexuality and nurture it, so we can become more balanced individua...