TAA obuituary challenge.

Hi guys! 

Here's a challenge started by Emily Krings, owner of Tea Addicts Anonymous. 

Here's her own obituary.

The point of this obituary challenge is to make us reflective about the kind of legacies we want to leave behind.

Here's my attempt. Tell me what you think in the comments below.

Please just ignore the photo. This was the best I had.

                                David Ojo

He cared ve­­­­­ry little about other people’s opinion of him.

In his opinion, it was pointless to constantly obsess over every opinion and be driven like chaff in the wind.

When someone dies, they’re forgotten very quickly. 
Unless one is a ‘Van Gogh’, whatever one manages to achieve will fade away into nothing in a century give or take.

An obituary would be forgotten even more quickly.

Instead, what he wanted, is to live forever in the hearts of people.
He preferred to leave legacies that would periodically remind them of him. He wanted them to remember him for how supportive he was of them and how he helped them become their best self.

He didn’t care much about what other people thought about him.
But instead, he wanted to make meaningful connections with people and be there for his friends.

He loved music like he loved life. He invested so much in the person of music and he reaped bountifully too.

As an aesthete, he was constantly in search of beauty. Fine painting, exotic sculpture, minimalism, photography, all was fair game. He would not cease in his search for beauty.

 He was passionate about other people. Seeing them succeed gave him unspeakable joy. Knowing that he had made meaningful contributions to their lives made him even happier.

He lived by Solomon’s advice to live a good life and enjoy life to the fullest.

Although he was sometimes headstrong and didn’t always make the BEST choices, he always found his path.

A lover of beauty and life, he will forever be remembered for his empathy and compassion. Yes, even his stubbornness.


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