How to be successful in business

Success. Everyone wants it, but it seems to elude many. I quit my 9-5 in a bid to start my online business and haven’t been so successful. I’m going to share some of my mistakes with you so you can avoid them.

2018 has been a very enlightening year for me. I have learned a whole lot of things, as a result of some of the mistakes I’ve made.

I read a post the other day and paraphrased, the post read “May we not see our contemporaries and hide our faces” That should be enough motivation for anyone to succeed.

Here are some of the things that greatly hindered my progress, and what you can do to avoid them.


I was excited by some of the things I saw online. They implied that anyone could be successful in the freelance industry. Of course, I know (now that I’ve done proper research), that it’s all a marketing strategy. They add reviews and tell their own success stories about how they make thousands of dollars in income every month. I was hooked. I purchase a laptop and I was ready to be a freelancer. I was in for a big shock.

My first problem was that my grammar wasn’t good enough. You know I had always imagined that my grammar was excellent. Only for me to discover that I was a terrible writer.  I also made another shocking discovery. I didn’t have anything to offer. More established bloggers have had years of experience in the corporate world. So they understood netiquette, had a working knowledge of things an undergraduate wouldn’t ordinarily  have.. And then it hit me. I didn’t have one skill to offer…Not one. I had risked lot to start my own business. But I wasn’t equipped/prepared enough to start one. Now that I have done some more research, I have a plan now. But I have lost a few things along the way. It is important that you plan adequately before you start any venture. Do your homework, and know what it takes to succeed in your industry.

Immediately the reality of my situation hit me, I panicked. Serious panic flooded me. I began to doubt myself, and I let it cripple me. Instead of being productive, I was wallowing in self-pity.

I began to wonder if I made the right choice. Fear is a very crippling emotion. I have learned the hard way that the thing(s) you fear the most, may be the very thing(s) that is/are  crucial to your success.

 In retrospect, allowing fear to cripple me was counterproductive. But these days, I’m beginning to believe more in myself, and am learning to take steps to ensure my success.


Discouragement is one thing that has really held me from giving my best shot. I would consistently lapse into a train of destructive thoughts and keep thinking of the things I wasn’t doing right, I’d get depressed and I wouldn’t be able to focus on my work. I would lobby for jobs on freelance sites, and wouldn’t get any. I was filling forms and pitching constantly without getting any replies. It is very easy to get discouraged especially if you aren’t seeing any results. But I encourage you to keep going. Success is after all not cheap. Perseverance is a requirement.


That age old devil. I would have a huge list of things to do, and would putter around in a somewhat aimless manner, and avoid doing what I was supposed to do I guess I am my own worst enemy. Procrastination doesn’t help anyone. Just eat that frog. As Brian Tracy would say.

Just put your back to t and do what you gotta do

Here’s a quick summary of some things that have hindered my progress.

Not doing enough homework, letting fear cripple me, discouragement, and procrastination

Do your homework, and learn all that is necessary for your success. Research and plan so that you’re prepared for any eventualities.

Also step out confidently and just do it. Put yourself out there and when fear gets the better of you take a break, give yourself a pep talk and pick up where you left off.

Procrastination is the killer. Do not put off till tomorrow what you can do today. Do it now. Procrastination will limit your productivity.

When you do get discouraged, take a step back, and try to get a fresh perspective on things, review your goals re-evaluate your whys, and get yourself fired up so you can do more.

 Remember that success doesn’t come cheaply it takes a lot of hard work perseverance and 


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